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Header image Faculty of Economics and Business
Assistant Professor Christiaan van der Kwaak (photo: Reyer Boxem)

How unconventional monetary policies affect financial stability

Date:30 November 2021

At the end of last year, dr Christiaan van der Kwaak, dr Tom Boot and dr Björn Mitzinneck received a Veni grant from the Dutch Research Council ( NWO ) worth up to €250,000. The grants provide the laureates with the opportunity to further develop their own...

Associate professor Tom Boot (photo: Reyer Boxem)

Which economic forecasts do we trust?

Date:26 November 2021

At the end of last year, dr Tom Boot, dr Christiaan van der Kwaak and dr Björn Mitzinneck received a Veni grant from the Dutch Research Council ( NWO ) worth up to €250,000. The grants provide the laureates with the opportunity to further develop their own...

Professor Nancy Kamp-Roelands (Photo: Reyer Boxem)

Professor Nancy Kamp-Roelands speaks at the 38th session of UNCTAD-ISAR

Date:25 November 2021

As a professor in non-financial information, integrated reporting and assurance, Nancy Kamp-Roelands presented during the 38th annual meeting some key findings from the agenda paper. She assisted the UNCTAD secretariat in writing the paper. It is based on...

Zan Mlakar

How a commited minority can change society

Date:07 October 2021

Over the last year, handshakes have been replaced by fist or elbow bumps as a greeting. It shows that age-old social conventions can not only change, but do so suddenly. But how does this happen? Robotic engineers and marketing scientists from the...

Professor Floor Rink (photographer Elmer Spaargaren)

Diversity in the boardroom: Only attention to respresentation and woman's quota is not enough

Date:30 September 2021

Each fall, the Female Board Index is published containing the most recent percentage of female top executives and supervisory directors in the Netherlands. This index enjoys much media attention because the growth of the number of women at the top is still...

Esther Metting (photo Reyer Boxem)

The new healthcare: from E-health to CoronaCheck 

Date:16 September 2021

As human beings, we are living longer, which also means that more people are suffering from chronic illnesses than ever before. The workload in the health care sector is very high and costs are on the rise. This may affect how easy access to good and...

Bianca Harms (middle) and her promotores

Mission accomplished: first PhD student in the PhD part time programme defended her thesis

Date:08 September 2021

In the spring of 2015,  FEB Research interviewed Bianca Harms as she was the first student in FEB’s part time PhD programme. Fast forward to 8 April 2021 and Bianca defended her thesis “Native advertising: effective, deceptive, or both?” at the Academy...

Vice-dean research and new SOM director professor Robert Lensink

Facing new challenges with enthusiasm

Date:01 September 2021

Since January 2021, Robert Lensink is the new vice-dean research and the director of the research institute SOM. He started his career at FEB in 1989 as an assistant professor and since 2001,  he is a full Professor of Finance and Financial Markets at the...

Professor Floor Rink

'Take a close look at the content of diversity training courses'

Date:10 June 2021

The first thing that Floor Rink, Professor of Organizational Behaviour, wants to put out there is that devoting attention to diversity in the workplace is always a good thing. But she also emphasises that we sometimes end up repeating ourselves....

Assistant professor Joost van de Brake

FEB Researchers want to help solve COVID-19 problems in healthcare

Date:22 April 2021

Last year, several FEB researchers received a grant from ZonMW (the Dutch organization for Healthcare Research and Innovation) to look at specific problems in the healthcare system that occurred during the covid-19 pandemic. One of the projectleaders is...