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Results for tag:Exams & Revision

Hylke studying outside to soak up the sun.

Studying when the weather's nice: students’ experience (+GIFs)

Date:22 May 2024
Now that the weather is getting nicer and nicer, your motivation is probably flying out of the window. It’s okay, we’ve all been there. Unfortunately, we cannot ignore our academic responsibilities all day every day. In today’s blog, we describe (in GIFs) how such a study session at the University Library goes when all you want to do is soak up the sun outside.
The 6 stages of pulling off an 'all-nighter'

The 6 stages of pulling off an ‘all-nighter’

Date:25 March 2024
Have you ever had to study all night for an exam or a deadline? Considering an 'all-nighter' is a classic situation that happens sooner or later when you are short of time. Keep in mind that all-night studying is not a healthy practice. So if spending the small hours over your notebooks seems inevitable, this blog will, with a pinch of humour ;), show you what all-night studying looks like in 6 stages.
If you follow these tips, you won't be falling asleep when you're trying to study anymore!

World Sleep Day: tips for high-quality sleep (which sets you up for success)

Date:13 March 2024
This coming Friday, it’s World Sleep Day. Getting enough and high-quality sleep is very important, especially for slaying all your assignments and exams. That’s why, in today’s blog, we give you seven tips that will hopefully help you sleep better.
Hylke listening to some music while studying and enjoying the view.

7 motivational songs that will get you through the exam period (+ GIFs)

Date:17 January 2024
Exam season has started! Are you prepared? In order to get you through these dreadful weeks, we’ve listed 7 inspiring, motivational songs that you can listen to while studying. You’re also in the right place if you’re in need of a motivational pep talk, affirmations, or a laugh.
Hylke trying to focus on her assignment.

How you can improve your focus to ace your assignments and exams

Date:01 November 2023
We’ve all been there: sitting at your desk with the motivation to tackle your deadline or to study for your exam, but despite your best efforts you cannot seem to concentrate. In today’s blog, we give you six tips that will help you improve your focus so you can ace your assignments and exams!
Hylke looking for journals on SmartCat.

How to use SmartCat: tips and tricks

Date:13 September 2023
SmartCat is everyone’s best friend when it comes to finding good academic sources for your assignments and essays. But do you know all its useful tools? In today’s blog, Hylke talks about everything you need to know.
Hylke planning everything for the first block.

Everything you need to know about the University of Groningen’s block system

Date:23 August 2023
So, what exactly is a block system? In this blog, Hylke explains how the system works, when to sign up for courses and seminar groups, and gives a general overview at the end. Hopefully, this will make it easier for you to navigate through the year!
Hylke listening to your suggested study playlists that set you up for succes!

7 perfect playlists for studying that set you up for success

Date:14 June 2023
The final exam season has started! In order to set you up for success, here are some playlists - recommended by and for students after we asked them about their favourite go-to study playlists on Instagram - that are perfect for studying.
Student Hylke procrastinating while enjoying the nice weather.

How not to procrastinate as a student (especially now that the weather is really nice)

Date:05 June 2023
To stop procrastinating is HARD. Even I haven’t mastered this yet. Nevertheless, I’ve found some tricks that help me stop procrastinating most of the time and, today, I’m going to share them with you in the hopes that it will help you as well.
Student Hylke working hard on her thesis.

How to stay motivated to work on your thesis (especially at the end of the academic year)

Date:22 May 2023
The end of the year is in sight, which means that you are probably almost finished with writing your thesis. Especially now, it can be very hard to stay motivated. That’s why we’ve thought of some tips on how to stay motivated to work on your thesis!