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Results for tag:Advice for First-Year's

Where's Waldo (Luc)? 

Student Associations: are they worth the hype?

Date:23 May 2024
Student Associations are an effective way to get to know new people, learn new stills and network! ...but are they worth the hype? Luc says, "Without a shadow of a doubt!"
Here are some tips to help you find accommodation

Hunting for a home in Groningen? Here are some tips to help you along!

Date:02 May 2024
Now that the application deadline has passed, it is time to start planning for your stay in Groningen!
7 tips on overcoming and learning from failure.

7 tips to overcome failure and to learn from it

Date:01 May 2024
Failure is part of the university experience and life. We’ve all failed sometimes whether that is failing an exam, not getting accepted into a certain programme, or something else. Because it can be hard to navigate failure at times, we share some tips on overcoming and learning from it in today’s blog.
8 pieces of advice from successful people!

8 pieces of advice from successful people

Date:03 April 2024
Sometimes you just need a good piece of advice to get going again or to get on the right track (meaning: the track to success ;)). That’s why, today, we highlight eight pieces of advice from successful people that will hopefully inspire you. Keep their wisdom in mind or implement their advice into your life and see what happens!
If you follow these tips, you won't be falling asleep when you're trying to study anymore!

World Sleep Day: tips for high-quality sleep (which sets you up for success)

Date:13 March 2024
This coming Friday, it’s World Sleep Day. Getting enough and high-quality sleep is very important, especially for slaying all your assignments and exams. That’s why, in today’s blog, we give you seven tips that will hopefully help you sleep better.
Bart working at Pathé.

What having a part-time job as a student is like

Date:30 January 2024
Author:Guest blogger
Want to know more about what it's like to have a side hustle next to studying? Or do you want a job, but you don't know where to start? In this blog, student Bart talks about his side hustles at Pathé Groningen and the UG, how he maintains a healthy work-life balance, and gives tips on how to find a side hustle that suits you. This blog is also available in Dutch!
Hylke re-reading her favourite childhood book.

15 self-care ideas for students

Date:24 January 2024
When you’re studying all day, taking care of yourself is important! This helps with managing your stress, energy levels, and your overall mental health. In today’s blog, we’ve listed 15 things you can do to take care of yourself. Try it out!
Hylke listening to some music while studying and enjoying the view.

7 motivational songs that will get you through the exam period (+ GIFs)

Date:17 January 2024
Exam season has started! Are you prepared? In order to get you through these dreadful weeks, we’ve listed 7 inspiring, motivational songs that you can listen to while studying. You’re also in the right place if you’re in need of a motivational pep talk, affirmations, or a laugh.
Hylke trying to focus on her assignment.

How you can improve your focus to ace your assignments and exams

Date:01 November 2023
We’ve all been there: sitting at your desk with the motivation to tackle your deadline or to study for your exam, but despite your best efforts you cannot seem to concentrate. In today’s blog, we give you six tips that will help you improve your focus so you can ace your assignments and exams!
Hylke looking happy on the Papengang, one of the streets part of Groningen's nightlife.

9 tips to safely enjoy Groningen’s nightlife as a (new) student

Date:27 September 2023
While Groningen is one of the safest cities in the Netherlands, unsafe situations can sometimes occur, for instance, during nighttime. It’s therefore useful to know how you can safely enjoy everything Groningen has to offer. To help you out, we’ve put together a list of 9 handy tips you should definitely keep in mind!