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Wubbo Ockels School for Energy and Climate
Together for a greener and fairer energy transition and climate policy
Wubbo Ockels School for Energy and Climate Research Hydrogen Knowlegde Centre

Prof. G. (Goda) Perlaviciute

"My key research interests lies in public evaluations and acceptability of energy sources, systems and policies, and which factors influence these evaluations and acceptability judgements. I focus on theory development and applying theory in addressing acute environmental and energy problems."

Energy transition is simultaneously a technological and social challenge-- Goda Perlaviciute

Research interests

  • Public acceptability
  • Human values
  • Public participation in decision making

Goda Perlaviciute is co-director of the Like!Me Living Lab, which is a cooperation between Environmental Psychology and the European Union Law Department at the University of Groningen. The Like!Me Living Lab is a real-life platform for studying effective public participation in climate policy making, in close collaboration with societal partners.

Last modified:06 November 2023 2.57 p.m.
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