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Wubbo Ockels School for Energy and Climate
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Wubbo Ockels School for Energy and Climate News

NWO Call: Drought in the built environment

24 August 2023

On 12 September, NWO is organising an information and networking event in Utrecht on the Dutch Research Agenda (NWA) call ‘Drought in the built environment’ (DroBE). NWO would like to invite researchers (humanities, hard sciences and social sciences), as well as civil society and commercial partners to attend. Part of the purpose of the meeting is to explain the procedure and to network.

During the event, participants will receive information about the call, an explanation of the process and why this format was chosen. The second part of the day will focus on networking and exploring potential collaborations on the sub-proposals.

About the call

The aim of the NWA Call DroBE is to develop knowledge and potential action plans that will assist local authorities, consultants, businesses and residents in creating a climate-resilient built environment. This knowledge should improve our understanding of the potential risks and harm caused by drought, as well as the costs, benefits and incidental advantages of different mitigation measures. It is essential that this new knowledge is linked to existing expertise and networks. The programme seeks to promote a healthy urban water system and to prevent or mitigate avoidable harm by identifying risks early and taking appropriate action.

For more information and registration see the NWO website.

Last modified:23 January 2025 12.35 p.m.
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