RVO impact training
When: | Th 27-03-2025 10:00 - 17:00 |
Where: | Groningen |
In this training we will focus on the importance of impact in project proposals under pillar 2 of Horizon Europe (Global Challenges).
After this training, you know how to design a project proposal from an impact point of view while involving the right stakeholders at the right time and for the right activities. You will also learn how to make interrelationships between impact, outcome and project results, as well as how to quantify your impact. The training will take the whole day.
For whom?
- You are a project coordinator or consortium partner currently involved in designing a project to apply for a Horizon Europe Pillar 2 topic . Or you have a concrete project idea for which you would like to develop the impact section for a future HE topic. You would like to learn how to set up a project proposal centered around impact.
- With your project proposal you apply for funding under one of the Pillar 2 Clusters of Horizon Europe (Global Challenges).
- You work at a university, knowledge institute, innovative company or other entity like a governmental or non-profit organisation based in The Netherlands.
Broadly speaking, the training consists of two parts:
- Basics of impact: where attendees learn what impact is, what terms are used and how the different aspects and phases of impact relate to each other. This part is a mix between theory and practice, with the practice focusing on applying impact thinking to their own project idea.
- Impact advanced: where attendees learn what is involved in achieving impact, before and during their project. Again, it is a mix of theory and practice, with practice specifically geared towards the Horizon RIA proposal template.
RVO does not ask much in terms of preparation from the participants; a 1-pager is good, but also a rough concept researchers are thinking about is good enough. It helps enormously if they have a specific topic they want to submit on, as then we can design the impact exercises accordingly.
Learning goal
As a result of this training:
- You have hands-on experience in designing your project proposal from an impact point of view.
- You have a first set-up/design for the impact of your own project proposal, including quantifications.
If you work closely with a PI on a proposal than your are also welcome to join as an FFO (or other support staff working on a proposal)
More information and registration
For more information and registration please contact Leo Dvortsin at l.dvortsin rug.nl.