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Wubbo Ockels School for Energy and Climate
Together for a greener and fairer energy transition and climate policy
Wubbo Ockels School for Energy and Climate Calendar

WOS Event: Wubbo’s legacy

When:Mo 03-04-2023 16:30 - 18:30
Where:House of Connections

“You are all astronauts of the spaceship Earth, the only spaceship that keeps you alive. You would be really crazy if you were to destroy it”
Wubbo Ockels

Wubbo Ockels

The very first event of the Wubbo Ockels School for Energy and Climate will take place on April 3rd at 4:30 pm (walk-in from 16.15) at the House of Connections. This event is a celebration of Wubbo Ockels' remarkable legacy and a reflection on his message about the urgent need to save our spaceship Earth.

During the event, Ton Schoot Uiterkamp, a former colleague and friend of Wubbo Ockels, will take us on a journey through Wubbo's legacy. Moreover, as a special highlight of the event, Ton will present Joos, Wubbo's wife, with a booklet containing an overview of achievements of Wubbo Ockels. Additionally, three speakers - a former student, colleague and the co-founder of De Groene Grachten - will share how Wubbo's passion for a sustainable planet continues to inspire their work today.

After the presentations, we will engage in a lively discussion to hear your ideas on the most pressing challenges and how the School can respond to them with actionable steps.

Unfortunately places for the event are limited, so please register March 29 at the latest if you would like to join. First come, first served.



Walk-in with welcome drink

16.30 - 16.35

Welcome by Prof. Lorenzo Squintani, director of the Wubbo Ockels School

16.35 - 17.00

Speech by Honorary Professor Ton Schoot Uiterkamp on Wubbo Ockels and his legacy and handing over essay to Joos Ockels

17.00 - 17.15

Short pitches by:

  • Pieter Hofstede - manager of Innovative Energy Solutions Zonnestroom Nederland | ELIX
  • Ramon Alberts - supervisor student projects such as Ecolution, Hanze University of Applied Sciences
  • Suze Gehem - co-founder/director of De Groene Grachten
17.15 - 17.45

Interactive programme on challenges and actions

17.45 - 18.00

Prof. Lorenzo Squintani offers a toast and explains the role of the Schools

18.00 - 18.30


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