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Wubbo Ockels School for Energy and Climate
Together for a greener and fairer energy transition and climate policy
Wubbo Ockels School for Energy and Climate Calendar

IHE PhD Symposium 2023: Water in the Context of the Triple Planetary Crisis: Climate change, Biodiversity loss and Pollution

From:Th 19-10-2023
Until:Fr 20-10-2023
Where:Auditorium of IHE Delft & Online

This year's PhD symposium focuses on Water in the Context of the Triple Planetary Crises. The Symposium brings together experts, researchers and concerned individuals to explore the critical role of water in addressing the interconnected challenges of climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss. Through presentations and discussions, the symposium aims to explore and increase awareness about actionable strategies for sustainable water management, conservation, and equitable access. Together, we work towards a future where water is safeguarded, supporting both human well-being and ecosystem health.

The triple planetary crisis

The world is currently grappling with a formidable challenge known as the triple planetary crisis, a term used to encapsulate the three interconnected issues that have emerged as critical threats to our planet's future: climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss. Each of these crises carries its own distinct causes and repercussions, demanding urgent attention and concerted efforts if we are to secure a sustainable and viable future for all inhabitants of Earth.

Water emerges as a pivotal element within the context of the triple planetary crises. Water, as a fundamental resource for all life forms, plays a multifaceted role in our ecosystems, economies and human well-being. However, the availability, quality, and distribution of water are increasingly threatened by the interconnected nature of these crises.

Recognizing the role of water within the triple planetary crises is crucial for devising comprehensive strategies that address the interconnections and promote sustainable solutions. By safeguarding water resources, mitigating pollution and preserving aquatic ecosystems, we can foster resilience, adaptability, and a more sustainable future for both human and ecological well-being.

Symposium sub themes

  • Water and Climate Change
  • Water and Biodiversity
  • Water and Pollution
  • Water and Technology

Important dates:

  • Abstract submission opens: 1 Aug 2023
  • Abstract submission closing: 22 Sep 2023
  • Notification to authors: 25 Sep 2023
  • Symposium Dates: 19th & 20th Oct 2023

Important links:

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