Neighborhood Priorities
Project supervisor: Maria Ioannou
"What they talk about when they talk about challenges" - Is it common knowledge held amongst individuals that sustainable society, healthy ageing, and energy, for example, are important global challenges that need to be addressed? Do these challenges form problems/concerns in individuals’ every day lives? And, are there local problems that may or may not be related to global problems that are perhaps more prevalent and pressing for local communities?
This project aims at responding to the questions above via: (i) collecting authentic data about the attitudes, perspectives, ideas of people of local communities (e.g., people living in Groningen) with regards to global/local problems through the design of specific tools (e.g., interviews, questionnaires) and, (ii) analyzing these data for the purpose of drawing conclusions and communicating those conclusions using various strategies for representing data and findings.

Last modified: | 10 October 2019 4.36 p.m. |