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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons Z. (Zdenka) Sokolickova, MA

Research interests

Svalbard; environmental memory; ethnography; tourism; migration; the Arctic


Interdisciplinary, but how? Anthropological Perspectives from Collaborative Research on Climate and Environmental Change

‘Melting Worlds’ and ‘Climate Myths’: Diverging Stories of Climate Change in Longyearbyen, an Arctic ‘Frontline Community’

Caught in between and in transit: forced and encouraged (im)mobilities during the Covid-19 pandemic in Longyearbyen, Svalbard

Experiencing Svalbard sustainably? Reflecting on what we can learn about polar cruise tourism from the SEES expedition

Waters that matter: How human-environment relations are changing in high-Arctic Svalbard

Changing Svalbard: Tracing interrelated socio-economic and environmental change in remote Arctic settlements

Extraction Cultures in Svalbard: From Mining Coal to Mining Knowledge and Memories

The Golden Opportunity? Migration to Svalbard from Thailand and the Philippines

The trouble with local community in Longyearbyen, Svalbard: How big politics and lack of fellesskap hinder a not-yet-decided future