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Culturally adapted training for community volunteers to improve their knowledge, attitude and practice regarding non-communicable diseases in Vietnam

Differences in knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding hypertension by access to a community-based screening program (POSBINDU): A cross-sectional study from four districts in Indonesia

Identifying relevant diabetes and hypertension control management guidelines in primary healthcare and community settings in Indonesia: A Delphi survey

The contribution of community-based programmes to health

Knowledge on hypertension in Myanmar: levels and groups at risk

The implementation of community-based programs in Vietnam is promising in promoting health

A Guideline for Contextual Adaptation of Community-Based Health Interventions

Parents’ Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice on Childhood Vaccination During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Core health-components, contextual factors and program elements of community-based interventions in Southeast Asia: a realist synthesis regarding hypertension and diabetes

Het geheim van sociaal werk.: Fase 3: Wat bewerkstelligt sociaal werk volgens partners?

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