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A pharmacological challenge paradigm to assess neural signatures of script-elicited acute dissociation in women with post-traumatic stress disorder

Altered frontal electroencephalography as a potential correlate of acute dissociation in dissociative disorders: Novel findings from a mirror confrontation study

Neural correlates of acute post-traumatic dissociation: a functional neuroimaging script-driven imagery study

The Clinician-Administered Dissociative States Scale (CADSS): Validation of the German Version

Trauma-related dissociation and the autonomic nervous system:: a systematic literature review of psychophysiological correlates of dissociative experiencing in PTSD patients

Dissociation and insecure attachment as mediators of the relation between childhood emotional abuse and nonclinical paranoid traits

Latent Classes of DSM-5 Acute Stress Disorder Symptoms in Children after Single Incident Trauma: Findings from an International Data Archive

Schema modes mediate the effect of emotional abuse in childhood on the differential expression of personality disorders
