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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons Y.H. (Yoran) Gerritsma

Research interests

PhD project:  Parsing developmental plasticity of personality in zebra finches


From adversity to personality: The effect of early-life adversity on zebra finch behaviour

Does mixing inhaler devices lead to unchecked inhaler technique errors in patients with COPD?: Findings from the cross-sectional observational MISMATCH study

Glucocorticoid receptor expression in blood, but not across brain regions, reveals long-term effects of early life adversity in zebra finches

Zebra finch behaviour differs consistently between individuals but is not affected by early life adversity

Effects of manipulated food availability and seasonality on innate immune function in a passerine

Experimentally manipulated food availability affects offspring quality but not quantity in zebra finch meso‑populations

Effects of early-life conditions on innate immune function in adult zebra finches