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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons Y. (Yihui) Du


Ct-defined emphysema prevalence in a Chinese and Dutch general population

Editorial: Public health, public health education, and their future prospects

Who is at risk of lung nodules on low-dose CT in a Western country?: A population-based approach

CT-based emphysema characterization per lobe: A proof of concept

Influenza season influence on outcome of new nodules in the NELSON study

Lifestyle factors related to prevalent chronic disease multimorbidity: A population-based cross-sectional study

Pricing and cost-saving potential for deep-learning computer-aided lung nodule detection software in CT lung cancer screening

Reproducibility of a combined artificial intelligence and optimal-surface graph-cut method to automate bronchial parameter extraction

Airflow limitation increases lung cancer risk in smokers: the Lifelines cohort study

Cost-effectiveness of lung cancer screening by low-dose CT in China: a micro-simulation study

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