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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons Y.A. Chamorro Mena, MSc


Electroweak Nuclear Properties from Single Molecular Ions in a Penning Trap

Enhanced parity and time-reversal-symmetry violation in diatomic molecules: LaO, LaS, and LuO

P, T-odd effects in YbCu, YbAg, and YbAu

Theory for symmetry violation experiments in molecules

Coordination of Mercury(II) in Water Promoted over Hydrolysis in Solvated Clusters [Hg(H2O)1-6](aq)2+: Insights from Relativistic Effects and Free Energy Analysis

Radiative decay rate and branching fractions of MgF

Benchmarking of the Fock-space coupled-cluster method and uncertainty estimation: Magnetic hyperfine interaction in the excited state of BaF

Molecular enhancement factors for the P, T -violating electric dipole moment of the electron in BaCH3 and YbCH3 symmetric top molecules

Parity-violating contributions to nuclear spin-rotation interactions and to NMR shielding constants in tetrahedral molecules

Microsolvation of heavy halides