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Research interests

My research focuses on tackling the complexities of non-literal language (e.g., implications, figurative language), with a particular emphasis on sarcasm, within the field of language technology through machine learning approaches. I investigate the intersection of linguistics and language technology, employing a multimodal approach (text, audio, visual) to enhance and advance state-of-the-art methods. In addition to sarcasm recognition, my work addresses challenges related to data scarcity, where I explore innovative strategies in data augmentation and transfer learning to boost performance in resource-constrained environments. Furthermore, I am also interested in sarcastic speech synthesis, extending my research to the generation of non-literal language in both textual and spoken forms.


A Functional Trade-off between Prosodic and Semantic Cues in Conveying Sarcasm

Improving sarcasm detection from speech and text through attention-based fusion exploiting the interplay of emotions and sentiments

SarcasticSpeech: Speech Synthesis for Sarcasm in Low-Resource Scenarios

Deep CNN-based Inductive Transfer Learning for Sarcasm Detection in Speech

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Researchers Have Built an AI-Powered Sarcasm Detector

Des chercheurs néerlandais améliorent la détection du sarcasme grâce à une approche multimodale

Algoritam koji kuži sarkazam? Da, baš nam to treba

Why Does Google's Latest Experimental Search Tool Feature Make Bizarre Suggestions Like Eating Rocks?

Algoritmos para detectar el sarcasmo

Scientists invent device to tell if person is being sarcastic

Building a better sarcasm detector

Could AI algorithms understand sarcasm?

Fast menschlich: Dieser Algorithmus versteht Sarkasmus

Ahora la IA puede detectar el sarcasmo. Genial...

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