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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons X. (Xiyuan) Gao, MA

Research interests

My research focuses on tackling the complexities of non-literal language (e.g., implications, figurative language), with a particular emphasis on sarcasm, within the field of language technology through machine learning approaches. I investigate the intersection of linguistics and language technology, employing a multimodal approach (text, audio, visual) to enhance and advance state-of-the-art methods. In addition to sarcasm recognition, my work addresses challenges related to data scarcity, where I explore innovative strategies in data augmentation and transfer learning to boost performance in resource-constrained environments. Furthermore, I am also interested in sarcastic speech synthesis, extending my research to the generation of non-literal language in both textual and spoken forms.


A Functional Trade-off between Prosodic and Semantic Cues in Conveying Sarcasm

Improving sarcasm detection from speech and text through attention-based fusion exploiting the interplay of emotions and sentiments

SarcasticSpeech: Speech Synthesis for Sarcasm in Low-Resource Scenarios

Deep CNN-based Inductive Transfer Learning for Sarcasm Detection in Speech

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Researchers Have Built an AI-Powered Sarcasm Detector

Algoritam koji kuži sarkazam? Da, baš nam to treba

Algoritmos para detectar el sarcasmo

Scientists invent device to tell if person is being sarcastic

Building a better sarcasm detector

Could AI algorithms understand sarcasm?

Fast menschlich: Dieser Algorithmus versteht Sarkasmus

Ahora la IA puede detectar el sarcasmo. Genial...

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