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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons X. (Xin) Sun, Dr

X. (Xin) Sun, Dr

International Participants | Resilience and Malleability of Social Metabolism (REMASS) | “Emerging Fields” of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) | 7.1 million Euros | October 2024 to September 2029

  • Quantify and gain new qualitative understanding of the resilience and malleability of social metabo-lism in the face of disruptions at the global scale, and in specific contexts in the Global North and South, and assess implications for ongoing and future sustainability transformations.

  • Advance understanding of social metabolism as a non-linear, complex networked system phenomenon by developing groundbreaking modelling capabilities based on big-data approaches and other methods of Complexity Science and non-linear system modeling.

  • Achieve a new level of understanding of the malleability of social metabolism by establishing qualitative and quantitative linkages between social metabolism and actors, institutions and decision making.

Laatst gewijzigd:04 mei 2024 15:33