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About us Practical matters How to find us X. (Xiangyuan) Feng, Dr

Research interests

I'm a Ph.D. student working on the projects: (1) Dutch beginning teachers' intrinsic orientation and effective teaching: longitudinal influence of induction intervention; (2) International Comparative Analysis of Learning and Teaching (ICALT3). I conducted quantitative studies using SPSS (e.g., descriptive, correlation, regression), Amos, Mplus (e.g., multigroup/longitudinal CFA, LPA/LTA, multilevel SEM, moderated mediation, LGCM, cross-lagged regression), R, and Citespace.


From awareness to action: multicultural attitudes and differentiated instruction of teachers in Chinese teacher education programmes

Navigating early career challenges in secondary education: How teacher induction shapes Dutch beginning teachers’ multifaceted intrinsic motivational-affective orientations

Clothing motivation, online critical thinking, and the behavioural intention of clothing collocation: Mediation analysis on Chinese youth

Differentiated Instruction in Teaching from the International Perspective: Methodological and empirical insights

Observing secondary school teachers’ effective teaching behavior in the Netherlands, England, and the United States using the ICALT observation instrument

Profiles and developmental pathways of beginning teachers' intrinsic orientations and their associations with effective teaching behaviour

Teachers’ Intrinsic Orientation, Self-Efficacy, Background Characteristics, and Effective Teaching: A Multilevel Moderated Mediation Modeling

Differentiated instruction in secondary education across countries: Measurement invariance and comparison

Observing teaching behaviour using the ICALT measure across countries: Is there measurement invariance?

Relationships between beginning teachers’ motivational profiles and effective teaching behaviour over the first two career years

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