X. (Bruce) Tong, Dr

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Dr. Xun (Bruce) Tong is Associate Professor (with tenure from 2022 onwards) at the Department of Operations, University of Groningen. He has been a faculty member at the same university since 2017, initially as an Assistant Professor from 2017 to 2022.
Dr. Tong obtained his PhD degree (2018) in Operations Management from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (57th in the QS World University Rankings 2025). He was a visiting PhD research scholar at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, in the United States (2016). He also worked as a full-time research associate (2013) at the Institute of Logistics Innovation and Networking in Busan, South Korea. As a recipient of a full Korean government scholarship, he attained two bachelor's degrees with first-class honors (ranked #1 out of 41 students, with an average GPA of 94/100) encompassing a primary degree in Industrial Engineering and a secondary degree in Global Studies from Pusan National University in South Korea.
Dr. Tong passionately explores a wide array of research interests, including environmental sustainability, human capital, safety, labor issues, innovations in supply chain, crowdfunding, and so on. He employs econometric analysis methodologies in his research endeavors.
His academic work has been featured or accepted for publication in esteemed journals including Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (MSOM, UTD 24, FT 50), the Journal of Operations Management (JOM, UTD 24, FT 50), Decision Sciences Journal, International Journal of Production Economics (IJPE), and Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (TRE), Business & Society among others.
Dr. Tong is Associate Editor for the Journal of Operations Management (2023-present) and Associate Editor for Omega (The International Journal of Management Science , 2025-present) . He is a regular reviewer for several other academic journals, including JOM, Omega, MSOM, IJPE, and TRE. His academic contributions have been acknowledged on multiple occasions, with notable highlights being his recognition as a Best Paper Finalist at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in 2019 and Finalists for the Best Paper award at the Decision Science Annual Meeting in Atlanta, November 2023.
His research project (2024-2025) titled "Uncovering Female Entrepreneurs’ Success in Male-Dominated Crowdfunding Sector" has been awarded by the Dutch Research Coucil (NWO) for €50,000. He is also a participant of a project titled "Research on the Restructing of Global Supply Chian: An ESG Perspective" (2024) funded by the National Science Foundation of China (CNY 420, 000, approximately €53,000).
Laatst gewijzigd: | 13 januari 2025 19:15 |