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Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Work and Digitalisation

Turning post-materialism on its head: self-expression, autonomy and precarity at work in the creative industries

Welcome to the inner circle? Earnings and inequality in the creative industries

Playing alone? Interest representation in the videogame industry in Denmark, Italy and the Netherlands

Bringing labour market flexibilization under control? Marginal work and collective regulation in the creative industries in the Netherlands

Combatting exploitation of migrant temporary agency workers through sectoral self-regulation in the UK and the Netherlands

Downward convergence between negotiated wages and the minimum wage: The case of the Netherlands

Ongelijkheid: Ontwikkelingen op de arbeidsmarkt en in de arbeidsverhoudingen

Organizing project-based work in the games industry

Sectorale zelfregulering als instrument tegen uitbuiting: De uitzendsector in Nederland en het Verenigd Koninkrijk vergeleken

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