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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons W. Wang

Research interests

PhD project: Evolution of parental care and communal breeding

The area I’m focusing on is the reproductive behaviour of animals, especially on parental care. I conduct studies on the evolution of parental care and communal breeding with the burying beetles (Silphidae, Nicrophorus) by using field experiments and molecular techniques. The main aim of my research is to investigate whether dominant individuals adjust their parental care behaviour based on the subordinates’ intrinsic state (e.g. body size, condition, health). I will investigate whether cooperating parents adjust their amount of care to the amount of subordinates' care. I will also investigate whether the individuals that provide care longer have more offspring.


ALMA Lensing Cluster Survey: An ALMA Galaxy Signposting a MUSE Galaxy Group at z = 4.3 Behind "El Gordo"

Parental Care System and Brood Size Drive Sex Difference in Reproductive Allocation: An Experimental Study on Burying Beetles