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Feasibility of the Absolute Quantification and Left Ventricular Segmentation of Cardiac Sympathetic Innervation in Wild-type Transthyretin Amyloidosis Cardiomyopathy with [ 123I]-MIBG SPECT/CT: the I-NERVE study.

[15O]H2O PET: Potential or Essential for Molecular Imaging?

A framework to integrate artificial intelligence training into radiology residency programs: preparing the future radiologist

Clinical Performance Comparison of a Long Versus a Short Axial Field-of-View PET/CT Using EARL-Compliant Reconstructions

Het patroon van lokaal recidief na prostatectomie op PSMA PET/CT-scan

Impact of patient motion on parametric PET imaging

Increased individual workload for nuclear medicine physicians over the past years: 2008-2023 data from The Netherlands

Is work overload associated with diagnostic errors on 18F-FDG-PET/CT?

Paediatric Dose Optimization for Long Axial Field-ofView FDG PET/CT

Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography-Based Clinical Target Volume Delineation Guideline for Postprostatectomy Salvage Radiation Therapy: the PERYTON-Guideline


17e Nascholing Targeted Therapy