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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. W.M. (Wander) Lowie


Complex dynamic systems theory as a foundation for process-oriented research on second language development

Complexity and dynamicity of EFL learners’ multi-dimensional engagement in digital storytelling tasks: an exploratory case study

Fluency measures and L2 speaking proficiency levels

Foreign Language Acquisition in Adolescent Cochlear Implant Users

Lexical Stress Identification in Cochlear Implant-Simulated Speech by Non-Native Listeners

Multifractal Analysis of the Distribution of Three Grammatical Constructions in English Texts

The Forest and the Trees: Investigating Groups and Individuals in Longitudinal Second Language English Speaking Development

Understanding salient trajectories and emerging profiles in the development of Chinese learners’ motivation: a growth mixture modeling approach

Complex Dynamic Systems and Language Education: A Sampling of Current Research – Editorial

From replication to substantiation: A complexity theory perspective


Enseigner les langues autrement : ce que l’exemple des Pays-Bas nous apprend

Imagining the Future of Multilingualism