prof. dr. W.J. (Wim) Quax

Prof. Dr. Wim. J. Quax (PhD, Msc Biol, Bsc Biol) and Publications
Appointments held
2016-2022: Head of Department Chemical & Pharmaceutical Biology
2009- 2016: Director of the Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy (GRIP).
2009-2016: Vice-Director of the Research Institute GUIDE
2003-2005 : Chairman of the Board of Research School GUIDE.
2001-2007 : Vice-speaker of European Graduate College Ruhr-Universität Bochum/Univerisity of Groningen (RUB/RUG).
1999-2001 : Deputy-Director of Research School GUIDE.
1998-present : Appointed to Full Professor in Pharmaceutical Biology at the University of Groningen.
1998-2015: Head of Department Pharmaceutical Biology.
1995-1998 : Staff Scientist at Genencor International (Palo Alto and Delft).
1995-2000 : Appointed to Full Professor (0.2 fte) in Industrial Biochemistry at the University of Leiden.
1995-1998: Visiting Professor at University of Nottingham.
1991-1995: Principal Scientist, primary Scientific Responsible for Molecular Biology within 1987-1991: Head of Department Bacterial Genetics, Royal Gist-Brocades
1984-1986 : scientific staff member of the Bacterial Genetics department Royal Gist-brocades at Delft, The Netherlands:
1980-1984: PhD Research fellowship NWO at the University of Nijmegen.
Honors and awards
Recipient of the Academy Plaque of University of Groningen (2022)
Knight in the Order of the Dutch Lion (2020)
Elected Member of the The Royal Holland Society of Sciences (2009-present).
Elected member of BioPartner advisory committee (2003).
Elected member of Executive Board of European Federation of Biotechnology (1999).
Awarded Visiting Professor fellowship at the University of Nottingham (1995).
Elected “Principal Scientist” at Gist-brocades (1991)
"NBV" prize for the best thesis of the year in the field of Biochemistry by the Dutch Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NVBMB)( 1986).
PhD “cum laude”, University of Nijmegen (1985).
Graduation “cum laude”, University of Nijmegen (1980).
Participation in Committees:
2013: International Advisory Board Member - World Biotechnology Congres 2013
2019-2020 Member of NWO/TTW VICI committee
2018-present Chairman of Education Program Committee
2011-2019 Chairman of the UCW (Groningen University Committee for Academic Practice).
2007-2011 Member of the UCW (Groningen University Committee for Academic Practice).
2005-current Member of STW valorization grant committee.
2004-2010 Vice-chairman (and chairman) of ZonMW Veni committee.
2003-2007 Member of BioPartner/STIGON First Stage Grant committee.
2001-2003 Member of NWO STIGON “programmacommissie”
1998-2008 Member of the board of FIGON (Federation of innovative drug research in the Netherlands)
1999-2002 Chairman of the Applied Genome Research Section of the European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB)
1994-2002 Dutch delegate for the "Working Party Applied Genetics" from theEuropean Federation of Biotechnology.
1994-1998 Chairman of BACIP (Bacillus Industrial Platform).
1997-2004 Chairman of the study group "Applied Molecular Genetics" of the "Nederlandse Biotechnologische Vereniging" (NBV).
1988-1993 Member of the Programme Commission on Agricultural Biotechnology.
1986-1990: member of the Health Council Commission advising on the use of Recombinant
1986-1992: Member of the Programme Commission Industrial Biotechnology.
Author on >250 professional publications in journals and books. Named inventor on >30 patents. Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Biotechnology and the Open Biotechnology Journal. Associate editor of Microbiology. For a full list of publications and citations click on this link: Google Scolar profile of W.J. Quax.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 07 januari 2025 07:37 |