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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. W.J. Post


A Place to Feel at Home? An Exploratory Study of the Perceived Living Environment in Home-Like Groups, Family-Style Group Homes, and Traditional Residential Youth Care

"Dan werk je met elkaar, dan heb je als mensen effect op elkaar...": Het perspectief van ouders op wat bijdraagt aan een goede samenwerking met professionals in een programma voor residentiële gezinsbehandeling

Establishing a positive working alliance during formal parenting assessments in a family residential treatment (FRT) program: Parents' perspectives on what is helpful

Child and Youth Coaching in families experiencing complex and multiple problems: A longitudinal evaluation study

Reliable assessment of pain behaviour in adults with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities: The development of an instruction protocol

Static and dynamic factors underlying placement instability in residential youth care: A scoping review

The Best Interests of The Child Self-Report (BIC-S): Psychometric Properties of the Adapted Version of the BIC-S used as a Monitoring Instrument to Measure the Quality of The Children’s Rearing Environment From a Children’s Rights Perspective

The construct validity and reliability of the Motor Development List for the assessment of motor skills in children with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities: The next step?

Unaccompanied, but not alone: A systematic review of the influence of social relationships on the transition of unaccompanied refugee adolescents to adulthood

A Safe Home? A Qualitative Study into the Experiences of Adolescents Growing Up in the Dutch Area Impacted by Earthquakes Induced by Gas Extraction