dr. W.J. (Hanneke) Hoekstra

Hanneke Hoekstra received her PhD (1998) from the University of Groningen. Her dissertation questioned the issue of cultural marginality through the oeuvre of the Frisian woman writer Ypk fan der Fear. From 1998-2002 she was a postdoctoral research fellow in European history at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Since 2003 she has worked as a researcher in political history at the Department of History of the University of Groningen. Currently, she works as an assistant professor of modern history. She has published on a wide variety of themes in modern history, ranging from empathy and moral change, religion, political elites, political rhetorics, gender and feminism, and the history of science. She is primarily interested in the social-pyschological conditioning and conditions of historical change. The intersection between love and vocation, gender and power has been an ongoing interest of her, resulting in publications on political and scholarly marriages. Her latest essay , 'Gendered Vocation. Love and the Pursuit of Knowledge in the Lives of Mill and Weber' will be published shortly.
Currently she has recast her endeavour to her academic roots and will develop new projects on the History of the North; Groningen and Friesland.
Fields of Interest
Political Culture of Western Europe and the United States, Political Elites, Political behaviour of women, History of the Emotions, Political Theory, Dutch History, Frisian History, History of Groningen, British History and the History of Religion.
Selected Publications
Books and editions
2023. en Dorien Daling (ed.) Specialists with Spirit. Science as Vocation. Special Issue. Endeavour. Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science (Amsterdam, Elsevier).
2011. De dictatuur van de petticoat. Vrouwen en macht in de Britse politiek 1900-1945 (Amsterdam Wereldbibliotheek)
2011. en Jantine Oldersma (ed.), Lady Macbeth’s Sisters. Women’s Power in Political Elites in the Transition from Monarchy to Democracy (Peeters, Leuven)
2007 (ed.) Informele Macht. Themanummer Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies (10) 1
2005 Het hart van de natie. Morele verontwaardiging en politieke verandering in Nederland 1870-1919 (Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek)
2017. ‘Party Versus Party. Beatrice Webb and the Ascent of the British Labour Party’ in: Henk te Velde and Maartje Janse, Organizing Democracy . Reflections on the Rise of Political Organizations in the Nineteenth Century (London: Palgrave McMillan 2017), 233-254.
2013. 'Sterven voor Lenin. Inessa Armand, de perfekte Bolsjewiek', Groniek 46 (198) 61-78.
2011. 'Melodramatische politiek.De negerhut van oom Tom als inzet van gelijkheid en mededogen' in: Maria Grever et.al. ed. Grenzeloze Gelijkheid. Historische vertogen over cultuurverschil (Amsterdam 2011), 113-128.
2008. ‘Het gestorven kind. Het verdriet van Hendrik de Cock en de Afscheiding van 1834’, De negentiende eeuw (3) 2008, 179-201.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 02 januari 2023 19:32 |