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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. W. (Wijnand) Helfrich


Extracellular Vesicles in Cancer Immunotherapy

Visible Light Control over the Cytolytic Activity of a Toxic Pore-Forming Protein

A Novel Bispecific Antibody for EpCAM-Directed Inhibition of the CD73/Adenosine Immune Checkpoint in Ovarian Cancer

Applications of Anti-Cytomegalovirus T Cells for Cancer (Immuno)Therapy

Bispecific antibody CD73xEGFR more selectively inhibits the CD73/adenosine immune checkpoint on cancer cells and concurrently counteracts pro-oncogenic activities of CD73 and EGFR

Novel Fab-peptide-HLA-I fusion proteins for redirecting pre-existing anti-CMV T cell immunity to selective eliminate carcinoma cells

A proof-of-concept study on the use of a fluorescein-based 18F-tracer for pretargeted PET

Impact of cumulative complications on 1-year treatment-related healthcare costs in patients with colorectal peritoneal metastases undergoing cytoreductive surgery with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy

Neoantigen-based cancer vaccination using chimeric RNA-loaded dendritic cell-derived extracellular vesicles

Bispecific antibody CD73xEpCAM selectively inhibits the adenosine-mediated immunosuppressive activity of carcinoma-derived extracellular vesicles


Sponsorloop Tocht om de Noord brengt ruim 5.000 euro op voor onderzoek bestrijding kanker

Prof. Wijnand Helfrich van het UMCG over samenwerking Fight Cancer & Tocht om de Noord

Wandelklassieker Tocht om de Noord wil blijvend kankeronderzoek in Groningen steunen