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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons W. de Kock, PhD


Sea turtle shells in the Netherlands: Zooarchaeology by mass spectrometry and stable isotope analysis identify species and provenance

Calipash and calipee: Population dynamics and foraging ecology of archaeological sea turtles

Grouping groupers in the Mediterranean: Ecological baselines revealed by ancient proteins

Metabolomics unravels grazing interactions under nutrient enrichment from aquaculture

Threatened North African seagrass meadows have supported green turtle populations for millennia

Excavations at Tell Fadous-Kfarabida: Preliminary report on the 2106 season of excavations

Honderd jaar archeozoölogie in Groningen

Potential applications of biomolecular archaeology to the ecohistory of sea turtles and groupers in Levant coastal antiquity


Study reveals turtles’ millennia-old food affair with North African seagrass

Picky green sea turtle has travelled to the same place to eat for generations

De groene zeeschildpad eet al 3000 jaar op dezelfde plek

Meeresschildkröten: Erstaunliche Treue zu Futtergebieten

Green sea turtles have fed at same seagrass meadows for thousands of years

Green Sea Turtles Feed at Same Seagrass Meadows for Millennia

Tortugas verdes miles de años regresando a la misma pradera para comer