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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons V.A. (Veronica) Allen, PhD


An annotated introductory reading list for neurodiversity

High-resolution Study of the Outflow Activity and Chemical Environment of Chamaeleon-MMS1

ALMA Observations of Molecular Complexity in the Large Magellanic Cloud: The N 105 Star-forming Region

Exploring the formation pathways of formamide: Near young O-type stars

Erratum: Substructures in the Keplerian disc around the O-type (proto-)star G17.64+0.16

Substructures in the Keplerian disc around the O-type (proto-)star G17.64+0.16

Accelerating infall and rotational spin-up in the hot molecular core G31.41+0.31

Chasing discs around O-type (proto)stars: ALMA evidence for an SiO disc and disc wind from G17.64+0.16

Complex cyanides as chemical clocks in hot cores

Organic chemistry around young high-mass stars: Observational and theoretical