V.S. (Vanessa) Bakhuizen-van 't Hoogt, MA

11/2019-present: Teacher BA1 Paint to Pixel, Department Art History, Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen.
09/2019-present: Guest lecturer toegther with Henrike Scholten, univerity-level minor More Healthy Years. Lecture and hands-on semiar, titled: Art, Reflection and Empathy. More Healthy Years Through Art (for Patients & Doctors), Faculty for Medical Sciences, University of Groningen.
12/2018 - present: Institute of Education, Faculty for Medical Sciences, University of Groningen.
Lecture and hands-on seminar Drawing and Sculpting the Human Body. How Art Can Enhance Your Diagnostic & Empathic Skills. (BA1) taught together with prof. dr. Ann-Sophie Lehmann (2019) & together with Henrike Scholten (2020)
Under the Skin (elective course for second year medical students) designed and taught together with Margreet Smit (2019 and 2022)
03/2019-07/2019: Off-course – Deconstructing Instructions, Minerva Art Academy, Hanze University of Applied Sciences
Co-taught with Henrike Scholten, this course challenges a group of 24 students to form their own perspectives and responses to a variety of historical teaching materials. The course takes the ‘classical’ instructions as a starting point and is centred around producing new artworks that place the teaching materials in a new context.
01/09/2018-31/08/2019: Teaching assistant Art History and Arts, Culture and Media, Department Art History, Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen
Seminars for BA1 History and Theory of Arts and Media A&B and BA1 Paint to Pixel
Assist with the organization of BA1 Paint to Pixel (including seminars, excursions and studio visits)
09/2018-08/2019: Teacher mentor first year students Art History
Organize meetings for the BA1students about exams, mindful learning and the program Art History as such.
04/2018-07/2018: Teaching assistant Art History
Coordinating Blurring Boundaries 1914 – now (BA1)
Teach seminars and give two lectures (including grade assignments, essays and exams, prepare PowerPoints, prepare & teach seminars and lectures)
10/2016 – 02/2018: Student-assistant Art History
Coordinating & teaching seminars for BA 1 Blurring Boundaries 1914 – now & BA1 Paint to Pixel (grade assignments, essays and exams, prepare PowerPoints)
Laatst gewijzigd: | 08 mei 2023 14:31 |