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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. V.V.A.M. (Nine) Knoers


Cas9-directed long-read sequencing to resolve optical genome mapping findings in leukemia diagnostics

Hope, but never expect? Comparing parents' pre- and post-disclosure attitudes toward return of results from diagnostic exome sequencing for their child

International expert consensus statement on the diagnosis and management of congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (arginine vasopressin resistance)

Prenatal and preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic kidney disorders

Recommendations on single-cell RNA sequencing of skin xenografts in the study of genetic skin diseases

The Role of Genetic Testing in Adult CKD

Fabry disease with atypical phenotype identified by massively parallel sequencing in early-onset kidney failure

KidneyNetwork: Using kidney-derived gene expression data to predict and prioritize novel genes involved in kidney disease

Novel MUC1 variant identified by massively parallel sequencing explains interstitial kidney disease in a large Dutch family

Treatment and long-term outcome in primary nephrogenic diabetes insipidus

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10: Nine Knoers, leider en vakvrouw in hart, nieren en de genetica

Letter on NWO personal grants funding in NRC

Film research of Department of Genetics UMCG