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Do I Perceive That We as a Community Can Persist, Adapt Flexibly, and Positively Transform? The Relationship Between Collective Transilience and Community-Based Adaptation

Individual Transilience in the Face of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Can we do more than “bounce back”? Transilience in the face of climate change risks

Human transilience in the face of adversities: Embracing global challenges as stepping stones, rather than stumbling blocks

Can we do more than 'bounce back'? Transilience in the face of climate change risks

Can We Do More Than "Bouncing Back"? Development and Validation of the Climate Change Transilience Scale

Financial incentives for a more sustainable diet

Erratum: The effect of background music on episodic memory and autonomic responses: Listening to emotionally touching music enhances facial memory capacity

The effect of background music on episodic memory and autonomic responses: Listening to emotionally touching music enhances facial memory capacity

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Discussion of our paper ‘Translience: A new way to think about climate change’