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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons V. Lozano Nasi, MA MSc


Do I Perceive That We as a Community Can Persist, Adapt Flexibly, and Positively Transform? The Relationship Between Collective Transilience and Community-Based Adaptation

Individual Transilience in the Face of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Can we do more than “bounce back”? Transilience in the face of climate change risks

Human transilience in the face of adversities: Embracing global challenges as stepping stones, rather than stumbling blocks

Can we do more than 'bounce back'? Transilience in the face of climate change risks

Financial incentives for a more sustainable diet

Erratum: The effect of background music on episodic memory and autonomic responses: Listening to emotionally touching music enhances facial memory capacity

The effect of background music on episodic memory and autonomic responses: Listening to emotionally touching music enhances facial memory capacity

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Discussion of our paper ‘Translience: A new way to think about climate change’