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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. V.E. (Vincent) de Meijer
University Medical Center Groningen

prof. dr. V.E. (Vincent) de Meijer

Professor of HPB Surgery and Liver Transplantation for pediatrics and adults

Research interests

“As a physician and scientist, my ultimate mission is to transform the future of liver transplantation through the optimization of donor organs using cutting-edge machine perfusion technology. By improving the viability and availability of human donor livers, I aim to bridge the gap between supply and demand, offering hope to countless patients facing end-stage liver disease. Within the next decade, I envision a world where every patient in need has timely access to a suitable donor liver, unlocking new possibilities in transplantation and fundamentally improving survival outcomes. My ambition is to make this vision a reality."



'Back-to-base' combined hypothermic and normothermic machine perfusion of human donor livers

Cost-effectiveness of Dual Hypothermic Oxygenated Machine Perfusion Versus Static Cold Storage in DCD Liver Transplantation

Genome-wide meta-analysis associates donor-recipient non-HLA genetic mismatch with acute cellular rejection post-liver transplantation

Gut microbiome dysbiosis is not associated with portal vein thrombosis in patients with end-stage liver disease: a cross-sectional study

Hepatic artery stenosis after pediatric liver transplantation: The potential role of conservative management

In memoriam: Ruud A.F. Krom, MD, PhD (1941-2024)

Long-Term Liver Machine Perfusion Preservation: A Review of Recent Advances, Benefits and Logistics

Long-term outcomes after hypothermic oxygenated machine perfusion and transplantation of 1,202 donor livers in a real-world setting (HOPE-REAL study)

Molecular adsorbent recirculating system (MARS®) and continuous renal replacement therapy for the treatment of paediatric acute liver failure: two-centre retrospective cohort study

Muscle Mass, Muscle Strength, and Health-Related Quality of Life in Kidney Transplant Recipients: Results of the TransplantLines Biobank and Cohort Study


Meer levers getransplanteerd met complexe herstelmethode

UMCG-perfusietechniek voor donorlevers krijgt wereldwijd navolging

Met complexe herstelmethode meer levers getransplanteerd

Minister Agema (PVV) bekijkt de nieuwste technieken in het UMCG. 'We hebben hier een mensenlichaam nagemaakt’

Minister Agema onder de indruk van hoopgevende innovaties UMCG

Fleur Agema bezoekt UMCG: 'Ik zie het helemaal goedkomen'

Fleur Agema bezoekt UMCG: 'Ik zie het helemaal goedkomen'