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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons V.D.J. Castillo Chora

Research interests

PhD project: Drivers of diversification in the avifauna of Mesoamerica
(June 2021 - present, jointly supervised with Adolfo Navarro Sigüenza, UNAM, Mexico)

During my PhD project, I study the proccesses and mechanisms that shaped the avian diversity patterns in the Mesoamerican region. For this, I use different approaches and data: an approach based on ecological conditions that limit species distribution. I also include genomic data to make inferences about the population dynamics of some species. Finally, I use an island biogeography approach to the Peninsula of Yucatan, Mexico, to estimate the relative importance of process as colonization, speciation and extintion to assemble the avian community of this region.



Drivers of distribution patterns of Mesoamerican tropical forest birds