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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. U. (Ute) Bultmann
University Medical Center Groningen

prof. dr. U. (Ute) Bultmann

Hoogleraar Arbeid en Gezondheid, in het bijzonder vanuit een epidemiologisch levensloopperspectief


Effects of changes in residential fast-food outlet exposure on Body Mass Index change: longitudinal evidence from 92,211 Lifelines participants

Hand eczema-related presenteeism and sickness absence: A cross-sectional population-based study

Integrating a life course perspective in work environment and health research: empirical challenges and interdisciplinary opportunities

Navigating work and life- a qualitative exploration of managers' and employees' views of return-to-work after sick leave due to common mental disorders

Once in NEET, always in NEET?: Childhood and adolescent risk factors for different NEET patterns

Sleep quality, fatigue, societal participation, and health-related quality of life in kidney transplant recipients: a cross-sectional and longitudinal cohort study

Young adults' work-family life courses and mental health trajectories from adolescence to young adulthood: a TRAILS study

A Life Course Perspective on Work and Mental Health: The Working Lives of Young Adults

Are psychosocial work factors and work-home interference associated with time to first full return-to-work after sick leave due to common mental disorders?

Associations between type of childhood adversities and labour market participation and employment conditions in young adults

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Kabinet kent ruim € 142 miljoen voor wetenschappelijk toponderzoek toe

Miljoenen voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar stress: 'Op deze schaal echt uniek'

UMCG’ers betrokken bij groot landelijk onderzoek naar stress

RUG-wetenschappers betrokken bij wetenschapsconsortia die ruim 140 miljoen krijgen

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