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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons T.C.A. (Tymon) de Haas, PhD


City and country in the Roman world

Landschap en nederzetting in de Mediterrane Oudheid. Een bundel ter ere van het emeritaat van Peter Attema

Navigating the past of the Pontine plain, human and wetland interaction from protohistory to the Early Modern period

Old themes, new means: 35 years of research into the Roman landscapes of Latium Vetus

Production technology and trade of 4th-1st centuries BC cooking jars from the Pontine Region in Southern Lazio (Italy)


Between reclamation and restoration: the archaeology, historical ecology and future development of drained wetland landscapes

CRMsurv Ontology Specification, version 1.1

Digital Data Integration in Mediterranean Field Survey Archaeology: Status quo and future perspectives

Follow-up on the SEMAFORA project: building a Linked Open Survey Data pool


Onderzoek naar bewoningssporen in de Pontijnse moerassen. Hoe archeologie en kunst elkaar kunnen inspireren

Así es el ambicioso proyecto arqueológico para excavar en un tesoro romano de Cádiz

Un proyecto para investigar la ciudad romana de Carissa Aurelia

Proyecto de investigación arqueológica en la ciudad romana de Carissa Aurelia


KNIR Artist in Residence met archeologen op veldwerk in de Pontijnse moerassen

Un team di olandesi per riscoprire la Pontinia “nascosta”

Un team di olandesi per riscoprire la Pontinia “nascosta”