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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. A.J. (Tom) Koole


Expanded and non-conforming answers in standardized survey interviews

Dealing with the dual demands of expertise and democracy: How experts create proximity to the public without undermining their status as experts

Gespreksvaardigheid in het Nederlands onderwijs: een ontbrekend ontwikkelingsperspectief

Het doorbreken van stilte: een conversatie-analytisch perspectief op het therapeutisch duet

Meaning as referential work: Reflections on the research object of Interactional Semantics

Peer-to-peer-talk in whole-classroom discussions

Scopes of recipiency: An organization of responses to informings

Taking Learner Initiatives within Classroom Discussions with Room for Subjectification

‘What would you do if…?’: On asking Experience Questions within classroom discussions, with a view to making room for subjectification

Hoe werkt dagelijkse communicatie?: Gesprekken onder de microscoop