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B.T. (Tino) Mager, Dr

Associate Professor of History and Theory of Architecture and Urbanism
Profile picture of B.T. (Tino) Mager, Dr
+31 50 36 36078 (secretariat)

Tino Mager studied media technology in Leipzig and art history and communication science in Berlin, Barcelona and Tokyo. He received his PhD at the TU Berlin with a dissertation on cultural heritage theory, which was awarded the interdisciplinary Tiburtius Prize (1st prize) for outstanding dissertations. He completed research stays in Japan and at the University of California, Los Angeles and was a lecturer at the Technical University of Berlin and ITU Istanbul. Subsequently, research assistant at the Chair for History and Theory of Architecture at the TU Dortmund University, fellow of the Leibniz Association and ATCH fellow at the University of Queensland. He has been a post-doc at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology and worked on the development of methods for the use of artificial intelligence in architectural historical research. His main interests include monument conservation and cultural heritage theory. In addition, he has researched post-war modernist architecture and its preservation, Japanese architecture, DH methods in architectural historical research and the transnational education of artists in the 19th century. 

Tino is the President of ICOMOS Germany and Secretary General of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Water and Heritage. 

Last modified:25 June 2022 11.55 a.m.