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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. T. (Tijs) van der Storm


Polyglot Software Development: Wait, What?

Schema Evolution in Interactive Programming Systems

Eelco Visser and IFIP WG 2.16

OFraMP: a fragment-based tool to facilitate the parametrization of large molecules

Semantics Engineering with Concrete Syntax

A Language-Parametric Approach to Exploratory Programming Environments

Gradual Grammars: Syntax in Levels and Locales

Automated Validation of State-Based Client-Centric Isolation with TLA +

Contract-Based Return-Value Commutativity: Safely Exploiting Contract-Based Commutativity for Faster Serializable Transactions

Getting Grammars into Shape for Block-Based Editors


Software Ecosystemen - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

PHP-upgrade: Veel redenen om het wèl doen

‘Je wilt niet afhankelijk zijn van een dood paard’

Hoe voorkom je een wildgroei aan low-codeapps?

Low-code, no-code, where’s my code!?