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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. T. (Tina) Kretschmer


Interplay between genetic risk and built neighborhood conditions as predictor of BMI across the transition into adulthood

A Systematic Review of Social Media Use and Adolescent Identity Development

Gender & sexuality alliances for safe school environments: A meta-analysis

Nonresidential fatherhood and father-child relationships among Curaçaoan and Dutch adolescents and young adults

Peer victimization in early adolescence and maladjustment in adulthood

School policies and programs for safe school environments: A meta-analysis

Bullying perpetration and social status in the peer group: A meta-analysis

Gene-Environment Interplay in the Development of Overweight

Genetic confounding in bullying research: Causal claims revisited

Parenting is genetically influenced: What does that mean for research into child and adolescent social development?


Ep4b - Teaching and Learning Awards 2022

In de Wetenschap: Speciale podcast over vrouwen in de wetenschap

In de Wetenschap: Speciale podcast over vrouwen in de wetenschap

In de Wetenschap: College van Bestuur over besturen in tijden van corona

Open Science, preprints, ethical boards and fast research in “the COVID era”

Social skills begin to decline in late 30s and early 40s, study finds

Elf jaar oud en risico op een depressie

Naweeën van de pubertijd

Vandalisme kost de samenleving miljoenen

My mum loves my sister more than me