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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. mr. T.H.F. (Tjalling) Halbertsma

prof. dr. mr. T.H.F. (Tjalling) Halbertsma

Dean Faculty Campus Fryslân / Professor of International Studies, with a special focus on East Asia
Profielfoto van prof. dr. mr. T.H.F. (Tjalling) Halbertsma


In praise of Arash: a portrait of a local knowledge-holder gained through Western documentation of the material culture of the Church of the East in Inner Mongolia

Huang Wenbi at Olon Sume-in Tor in 1929: A story of unsolved questions and further appropriations

Missionaries, Scholars, Diplomats and Explorers: Knowledge exchange and the documentation of the "Nestorian" Church of the East in North China

The Crosses of Shizhuziliang: Tracking Down Eight Christian Gravestones and a Marble Base

Abolishment of the Death Penalty in Mongolia: Is “Normative Power Europe” at Work?

De Predikant en de Boeddha: beschouwingen en heruitgave van Joost Halbertsma's "Het buddhisme en zijn stichter" uit 1843

Inner Mongolian Syro-Turcica I: Contextualizing the Syro-Turkic Gravestones from Inner

Bronnen van de Liao: erfgoed en grafroof in Binnen-Mongolië

De Grote Liao: van herders tot heersers

De Grote Liao: val en ondergang