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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. T.G.J. (Terry) Derks


Newborn Screening by DNA-First: Systematic Evaluation of the Eligibility of Inherited Metabolic Disorders Based on Treatability

The relation between dietary polysaccharide intake and urinary excretion of tetraglucoside

Continuous glucose monitoring metrics in people with liver glycogen storage disease and idiopathic ketotic hypoglycemia: A single-center, retrospective, observational study

Correction to Short and long-term acceptability and efficacy of extended-release cornstarch in the hepatic glycogen storage diseases: results from the Glyde study

Empagliflozin for treating neutropenia and neutrophil dysfunction in 21 infants with glycogen storage disease 1b

Endocrine involvement in hepatic glycogen storage diseases: pathophysiology and implications for care

Endogenous glucose production in patients with glycogen storage disease type Ia estimated by oral d-[6,6-2H2]-glucose

Hepcidin, Interleukin-6 Levels and Iron Metabolism Parameters in Patients with Hepatic Glycogen Storage Diseases: A Cross-Sectional Study

Idiopathic pathological ketotic hypoglycemia: finding the needle in a haystack

Precision-cut liver slices as an ex vivo model to assess impaired hepatic glucose production

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JIMD Podcast

Experimentele gentherapie voor patiënten met zeer zeldzame erfelijke ziekte

Metabole ziekte met risico’s Identifier: NCT03517085 Identifier: NCT03761693

Fasting Tolerance in MCADD-infants (FiTtINg MCADD) Identifier: NCT02318966

Podcast – Schepen aan de Horizon Aflevering 56 – Over metabole ziekten, met Terry Derks Identifier: NCT03011203

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