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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons T. (Thijs) Bouman, PhD


Making Needs and Support Visible

Wensen én draagvlak zichtbaar maken

Accelerating social tipping points in sustainable behaviors: Insights from a dynamic model of moralized social change

De bijdrage van psychologie aan de oplossing van klimaatproblemen

Exploring energy geography: Data insights on household consumption

The Adoption of Pro-Environmental Behaviour: Can Dynamic Norms Explain How Small Scale Change Leads to Large Scale Change?

The public demands more climate action, not less: Rising political climate opposition does not reflect public opinion

Wetenschappelijk onderzoek: Psychologische kennis toepassen om klimaatverandering tegen te gaan

An integrated human-cyber-physical framework for control of microgrids

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