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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. T. (Tom) Boot


Grouped heterogeneity in linear panel data models with heterogeneous error variances

Uniform inference in linear error-in-variables models: Divide-and-conquer

Where's Waldo? A framework for quantifying the privacy-utility trade-off in marketing applications

Joint inference based on Stein-type averaging estimators in the linear regression model

Unbiased estimation of the OLS covariance matrix when the errors are clustered

Corrigendum: Wang and Leng (2016), High-dimensional ordinary least-squares projection for screening variables, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B, 78, 589–611

Does modeling a structural break improve forecast accuracy?

Subspace Methods

Confidence Regions for Averaging Estimators

Forecasting using Random Subspace Methods

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Veni-beurzen voor veertien Groningse onderzoekers

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