T.A. (Tracy) Poelzer

I work as an Educational Specialist for Educational Support and Innovation (Educational Staff Development/Docentprofessionalisering) at the University of Groningen, Department CIT.
PO WER (Master of Didactics (fundamentals and advanced programmes), curriculum developer and lead trainer for the University of Groningen). The project aims to train lecturers of Polish universities on improving the quality of their teaching. Furthermore, the project aims to establish a sustainable support structure at Polish Universities for professional development of teachers on teaching quality (2019-2023, EU ESF funding)
Project FORTH (Formation of Teachers in Challenged Areas, Philippines). Team Facilitator and instructional design support, EU KA2 Capacity Building - co-financed by European Commission (2019-2023)
Project START (Supporting Teachers Who Support Student Transition), Core Team member, Erasmus Plus funding (2022 - ...)
South African Blended Learning Project: Providing training for instructors in Business and Education faculties, along with instructional developers and university leaders [summer/autumn 2023, sponsored by Walter Sisulu University]
DIY Studio (Faculties Arts and Law). Educational and instructional design support and training for academic staff wanting to make their own "knowledge clips" videos, CIT Team Educational Innovation and Research. (2019 - ..., program Studievoorschotmiddelen)
Actieplan/Ruggesteun (I & II). Embedded Expert, webinar/course designer, trainer supporting RUG instructional staff with providing quality instruction in any format (physical, online, blended, hybrid), Active/Blended Toolkit, Department CIT Educational Support and Innovation (ESI), (2020 - ...)
Small Experiments Podcast - Conversations with RUG instructors about teaching and learning (recorded during the COVID pandemic).
Laatst gewijzigd: | 24 april 2024 17:09 |