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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. T.A. (Ruby) Otter-Drost


Capturing the Complex Relationship Between Internal and External Training Load: A Data-Driven Approach

Co-Operative Design of a Coach Dashboard for Training Monitoring and Feedback

Introducing a Method to Quantify the Specificity of Training for Races in Speed Skating

Perceived Training of Junior Speed Skaters versus the Coach’s Intention: Does a Mismatch Relate to Perceived Stress and Recovery?

A Systematic Review on Markers of Functional Overreaching in Endurance Athletes

Why Train Together When Racing Is Performed Alone?: Drafting in Long-Track Speed Skating

Increase in the Acute: Chronic Workload Ratio relates to Injury Risk in Competitive Runners

Injury Risk Is Increased by Changes in Perceived Recovery of Team Sport Players

Prediction of Running Injuries from Training Load: a Machine Learning Approach.

A Negative Life Event Impairs Psychosocial Stress, Recovery and Running Economy of Runners

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