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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. A.P. (Alexandra/Sasha) Zhernakova


Choice of DNA extraction method affects stool microbiome recovery and subsequent phenotypic association analyses

Genome-wide characterization of circulating metabolic biomarkers

Host genetic regulation of human gut microbial structural variation

Picalo: principal interaction component analysis for the identification of discrete technical, cell-type, and environmental factors that mediate eQTLs

Transmission and dynamics of mother-infant gut viruses during pregnancy and early life

Unraveling interindividual variation of trimethylamine N-oxide and its precursors at the population level

Analysis of microbial composition and sharing in low-biomass human milk samples: a comparison of DNA isolation and sequencing techniques

Dual UHPLC-HRMS Metabolomics and Lipidomics and Automated Data Processing Workflow for Comprehensive High-Throughput Gut Phenotyping

Faecal metabolome and its determinants in inflammatory bowel disease

Gut dysbiosis associates with cytokine production capacity in viral-suppressed people living with HIV

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1,5 miljoen euro voor onderzoek naar oorzaken allergieën bij kinderen

Correction to: Yoghurt consumption is associated with changes in the composition of the human gut microbiome and metabolome