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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons S.W. Bajwa-ten Broeke


Delineating genotype and parent-of-origin effect on the phenotype in MSH6-associated Lynch syndrome

MLH1 Promotor Hypermethylation in Colorectal and Endometrial Carcinomas from Patients with Lynch Syndrome

Discordant Staining Patterns and Microsatellite Results in Tumors of MSH6 Pathogenic Variant Carriers

Dominantly inherited micro-satellite instable cancer – the four Lynch syndromes - an EHTG, PLSD position statement

Is HLA type a possible cancer risk modifier in Lynch syndrome?

Molecular Profile of MSH6-Associated Colorectal Carcinomas Shows Distinct Features From Other Lynch Syndrome–Associated Colorectal Carcinomas

Mortality by age, gene and gender in carriers of pathogenic mismatch repair gene variants receiving surveillance for early cancer diagnosis and treatment: a report from the prospective Lynch syndrome database

PMS2-associated Lynch syndrome: Past, present and future

Colorectal cancer incidences in Lynch syndrome: a comparison of results from the prospective lynch syndrome database and the international mismatch repair consortium

Clustered mutations in the GRIK2 kainate receptor subunit gene underlie diverse neurodevelopmental disorders

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